Call Business Concept



A happy customer may tell three people about their experience with you but an unhappy one could share their problems with up to ten. That’s the kind of word-of-mouth that you have to get right. Dealing with customers effectively can build a good relationship with your customers, save money by avoiding their escalation.

Whether it is a new recruit or an experienced call center agent, the aim is to improve your performance to handle customers and improve customer experience.


  • Upon completion of this programme, the participants will be able to:
    • Understand the basics of a call
    • Choose the best response to a complaint
    • Structure your responses effectively
    • Speak in a clear, concise style
    • Check your responses and give them that final polish before you communicate them

Who Should Attend

This program is suitable for New Call Agents with no experience


This stimulating program will maximizes the understanding and learning through lecture, discussion, case studies and practical activities.


    • Greetings Methods
    • Steps To Effective Call Process
    • Transferring A Call
    • Taking Messages And Follow Up
    • Effective Listening
    • Tone of Voice – Its Impact on the Customer.
    • Using The Suitable Vocabulary
    • Techniques to Set a Clear Objective – Effective Questioning Methods.
    • Being Tactful and Diplomatic, And Some Useful Phrases.
    • How To “No” Without Saying “No”– Being Up-Front While Offering Alternatives.
    • The Reason Behind A Complaint
    • Using Complaints As An Opportunity To Build A Long Lasting Relationships
    • Techniques Of Handling Complaints
    • Putting Things Back On A Positive Track

Fee: RM 800 per pax

Loyalty Points: 800 Points

Duration: 1 Day

Note: In-house course is available. Request it HERE


Michael Xavier A/L Francis Xavier
Biodata: A full time freelance professional development consultant, Michael Xavier Francis Xavier currently trains people from all walks of life. His 12 years background in the service industry has given him valuable experience in dealing with people from different backgrounds and cultures. He has served in several well-established service organizations and has held various managerial positions. He was the District 51 International Toastmaster Champion in Public Speaking in the year 2000, and represented Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong in the International Inter-District Public Speaking Competition held in Miami, United States of America in 2008. He was also the District 51 Evaluation Speech Contest Champion in the same year. He is no novice to Toastmaster International, having won several awards from them.