Networking For All

Original price was: RM1,300.00.Current price is: RM850.00.



Ever wonder why some people who has the same education, skills, career or business are more successful than others? Most people will write it off by saying that they are lucky or were at the right place and the right time!

This course will share with you the real reasons why successful people are who they are and their networking secrets.

How Will You Benefit

Upon completion of this programme, the participants will be able to :

  • Learn that networking is not only a process of meeting people but a strategy to increase your popularity and business
  • Understand the importance of networking for you and your company
  • Learn how to network and increase your business or popularity substantially
  • Learn the different skills involved in networking
  • Learn how to maximize your time using effective techniques during networking

Who Should Attend

This course is suitable for Entrepreneurs, Management & Executives in Sales & Marketing.


This program will be conducted via group interaction, individual exercise, case studies, role play, lectures and video / films.

Fee: RM 850 per pax

Loyalty Points: 850 Points

Duration: 1 Day

Note: In-house course is available. Request it HERE


Gerald Kong Wai Kheong

With the advancement of Social Media in today’s communication, Gerald believes that mastering the skills to lead and network can provide a wealth of unending resources and possibilities. With these strong convictions and experience, Gerald runs very successful, impactful and effective programs and workshops sharing his knowledge in leadership, and marketing with different organizations. As part of the process, Gerald equips his participants with leadership and sales skills especially in the areas of strategic planning and sales techniques. He is the business trainer of the largest networking group in the world that specializes in referral marketing which passed more than USD6.5 billion worth of business in 2013. He has been appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia to train and certify other corporate trainers.