Working With Gen X And Y For Greater Business Performance

Original price was: RM1,300.00.Current price is: RM850.00.



Research shows the biggest divide facing most organizations is not gender divide, racial divide or education divide but it is the generational divide. For managers who are involved in engaging younger workforce for result must remember that the gap between the two groups is constantly growing.

For the first time in history, there are at least three, if not four or five generations in the work force. Although it is an exciting time, it is not without challenges. Each generation brings a new perspective and we need to learn to value the new ideas. The diverse perspectives, motivations, attitudes and needs of these generations have changed the dynamics of organization’s workforce. A little insight into the differences among the generations can help you better understand the needs and expectations of your colleagues.

In today’s context, a manager can no longer rely purely on “command and control” authoritative style to get the job done. A successful manager is required to have better understanding of Generation Y in order to synergize their talent with other generations in their workplace to improve their personal and organizational performance.

Organizations are also starting to face enormous challenges in motivating and engaging Generation Y and must re-evaluate their employee value proposition or risk losing the battle for the minds of Generation Y. Organizations need to deploy strategies that will harness the energy, creativity and loyalty of Generation Y. They need to think of new ways to attract and retain Generation Y to their ranks while also being realistic about outcomes and expectations. This is unchartered territory for many Managers and perhaps a timely opportunity to overhaul static and outdated workplace practices.

How Will You Benefit

Upon completion of this programme, the participants will be able to :

  • Define and identify the various workforce generations of current workforce in an organization
  • Articulate factors affect workforce generations
  • Get to know Generation Y better
  • Understand the characteristics of the various workforce generations such as Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y
  • Analyze the workplace culture, values and work ethics that enhances motivations and goals of different workforce generations
  • Manage Generation Y more effectively
  • Identify management practices that engage or disengage different generations
  • Create an environment where each generation can reach their full potential
  • Develop effective strategies to attract, retain and develop employees, especially Generation Y

Who Should Attend

  • This course is suitable for General Manager, Business Division Head, HR Practitioners, Managers, Senior Executives, Supervisors, Team Leaders and Line Leaders
  • Level: For Managers and above


This is a highly interactive training programme, whereby participants are to gain the learning points through experiential activities



Fee: RM 850 per pax

Loyalty Points: 850 Points

Duration: 1 Day

Note: In-house course is available. Request it HERE


Ong Chee Eng

Ong Chee Eng holds Master of Management, has more than 30 years of corporate experience with a multi-national financial institution, covering areas such as Operations, Collection, Finance and Human Resources. He provides trainings in various areas, including leadership and organizational effectiveness. Ong Chee Eng is an Accredited Administrator of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) ® by Australian Psychologist Press & Asianic Psychologists Press (APP) since 2007. He was awarded Certified Training Professional (CTP) by ITD / ARTDO. He is a PSMB certified trainer (Certificate No. TTT/4705) and has been appointed as Trainer for PSMB 5-day Train-The-Trainer Program since 2011. He was also awarded Certified Coaching & Mentoring Professional (CCMP) by ITD in 2013.