Personal Effectiveness

Original price was: RM2,600.00.Current price is: RM1,100.00.



Today, it is well established that being self-aware plays a significant role in an individual’s life. A critical number of competencies relate to personal skills which is the subject of this workshop. Self-awareness and self-analysis can significantly help us to understand why we do what we do and what we can change in ourselves to get more energy, respond better to others and efficiently interact with them and understand them.

This workshop allows participants to focus more specifically on personal skills using a variety of examples, case studies, example conversations and techniques. Participants explore topics such as self-esteem, behaviour cycle, positive versus negative thinking, handling fear, motivation, power phrases and so on.

The workshop contains numerous exercises that are designed to raise delegate’s awareness and help them to think about critical behaviors. The aim is to change the point of view of those who might have habitually used certain behaviours without realizing the full effect of them when used on others. Awareness raising discussions and interactive exercises help delegates to significantly change their behaviour using simple yet powerful techniques.

The workshop also contains content on how to handle other people’s reaction to your growth. Family, friends and colleagues can be resistive to your positive change. The ability to handle their reaction well and help them to grow with you is an important skill which will enable you to become more emotionally intelligent.

 How Will You Benefit

Upon completion of this programme, the participants will be able to:

  • Learn how personal skills can significantly improve your life and help you progress and achieve your ultimate goals
  • Analyze your behaviour, manage reactions from others and create a balanced portfolio of life roles
  • Adopt strategies to prevent emotional hijacking and learn how to replace destructive thoughts with powerful thoughts
  • Change your negative thoughts and mentality to positive thinking and reduce your worries
  • Recognize what it takes to believe in yourself and learn how to get motivated
  • Face fear and handle it to boost your selfesteem and confidence
  • Help others grow with you to minimize emotional conflicts and manage the change
  • Recognize the physical and health related benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Who Should Attend

Sales Departmental Team, Work streams Team, Project Team, and Cross Functional Team


  • Facilitated Learning and Coaching – One of the most challenging and important pieces in the framework for instilling learning is the readiness of the mindsets of participants. What participants do is caused by who they are, their value and belief about what is important and how they feel (state of mind). How someone is at ‘be’ determines their action and behaviours which determines their outcome and results. The key is to raise the level of awareness of our state of mind in order to help break through barriers that may be holding them back. Barriers may cause participants to feel the lack of confidence and creativity.
  • Experiential Learning ­ The four stages in learning which follow from each other: Concrete Experience is followed by Reflection on that experience on a personal basis. This may then be followed by the derivation of general rules describing the experience or the application of known theories to it (Abstract Conceptualization),and hence to the construction of ways of modifying the next occurrence of the experience (Active Experimentation), leading in turn to the next Concrete Experience. All this may happen in a flash, or over days, weeks or months, depending on the topic, and there may be a “wheels within wheels” process at the same time.
  • Accelerated Learning Method – Based on a research and discovery of how the human brain works. Learning design are base on focus group preferred learning style and ways of learning. Matching the learning techniques with the focus group natural preferred style makes learning quicker. By also incorporating wellresearched memory techniques, Accelerated Learning makes learning an enjoyable, successful and satisfying experience.



Fee: RM 1,100 per pax

Loyalty Points: 1100 Points

Duration: 2 Days

Note: In-house course is available. Request it HERE


Marziana Zain

Marziana, a Certified Professional Coach (ICA ACTP ICF), comes from a background in people capability development and the management of human resources, with a total of 30 years hands on experience. Her engineering experience compliments her passion in the science of human resources capability development, mainly through executive coaching and training programs. Her hands on experience encompass various aspects of HR Management including coaching, training, leading HR transformation projects. Her achievements acclaimed the recognition from the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia for the successful implementation of multi client e-learning system for a manufacturing organization. Marziana strongly believes in blended facilitation approach and methodology which consist of the four stages of experiential learning.