Performance Management Skills For Leaders




“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” ~ Chinese proverb~

In today’s competitive market, it is absolutely essential to systematically manage the performance of employees to make them as motivated and productive as possible. Any organisation that risks neglecting this important systematic review, is bound to fail when competing against those who use such optimisation.

It is well known that motivated staff not only work harder and longer, but are also much more likely to innovate and bring new ideas than others. Innovative companies are much more competitive and can handle bigger challenges swiftly and come out stronger than their competitors.

To create a productive atmosphere, an organisation simply needs to respond to the needs of its staff. Understating what motivates employees and aligning it with organisation’s objectives is the essence of an effective performance management system. This system requires HR support, periodic appraisals and constructive coaching sessions.

How Will You Benefit

Upon completion of this programme, the participants will be able to :

  • Understand ways to sustain individual and team motivation
  • Hold a constructive appraisal meeting that helps to motivate the appraisee and maximize information transfer
  • Learn the tips of The Practical Coach
  • Learn how to set boundaries and control your reactions to coworkers who cross those boundaries
  • Regularly use the “Take 10 Check-in” to stay in touch with your team
  • Define and put into practice “The Two Minute Challenge

Who Should Attend

This program is suitable for supervisors and manager


This stimulating program will maximizes the understanding and learning through lecture, discussion, case studies and practical activities



Fee: RM 1,000 per pax

Loyalty Points: 1000 Points

Duration: 2 Days

Note: In-house course is available. Request it HERE


Jocelyn Yap Po Poh

Jocelyn is a certified trainer, coach and psychometric assessor. Her vast experience and knowledge spanned more than 20 years in the areas of strategic business planning, sales and marketing execution, operation management, leadership and staff development. She has provided trainings on Engaging Workplace (FISH! Philosophy), Communication, Time Management, Self Management for Personal Effectiveness and Emotional Intelligence, among others. The trainer is passionate about delivering training content using a hands-on approach and fun experiential activities. Jocelyn is known for her passion in inspiring people to learn with her dynamic presentation and facilitation style. Her forte lies in her ability to connect with people and bring out the best in them.