Author Archives: HRDF Admin

Employees, be careful of these 3 things that could get you terminated from your job

Employees, be careful of these 3 things that could get you terminated from your job As an employee, we don’t expect to get the boot and get dismissed from our bosses. We strive to shine and excel in our career. While Malaysian labour law does prevent employees from being fired without a good reason, this […]

Public Holiday in the State of Perak on 4th November 2016 (Friday)

Public Holiday in the State of Perak on 4th November 2016 (Friday) A statement was made by the State Secretary Datuk Seri Abdul Puhat Mat Nayan, the birthday of the 35th Sultan of Perak: Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah Perak will be celebrated […]

Public holiday in the State of Kedah on 31 Oct 2016 (Monday)

Public holiday in the State of Kedah on 31 Oct 2016 (Monday) The Secretary of Kedah State Government, the Menteri Besar of Kedah Datuk Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah, who is also the President of Kedah Football Association has announced that 31 Oct 2016 (Monday) will be observed as a State public holiday in Kedah […]

How to ensure the right steps in the Whistleblowing Process in Malaysia

How to ensure the right steps in the Whistleblowing Process in Malaysia WHISTLEBLOWING is an act of disclosing information of corruption and malpractices within an organisation or a workplace. In most cases, information can be sensitive, leading to potential harm to the whistleblower. Hence, the whistleblower protection has been established by many governments to encourage […]

Are you being bullied in your workplace (Malaysia)?

Workplace Bullying Are you being bullied in your workplace? So what exactly constitutes workplace bullying? According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), workplace bullying is defined as the “repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons by one or more perpetrators”. For HELP International School counselling psychologist Dr Gerard Louis, the keyword in that definition […]

Does an employer have an obligation to check and verify an employee’s resume and credentials?

Does an employer have an obligation to check and verify an employee’s resume and credentials? Alright, let’s dive straight to this case of Anthony Dass S Rajagopal v Strategic Research & Consultancy Sdn Bhd [2012] 2 MELR 47. In the Anthony Dass case, the employee in question represented to the company that he was in […]

Deciphering the Law on Fixed-Term Contracts

Deciphering the Law on Fixed-Term Contracts A Safety Net – Understanding the Fixed Term Contracts in Malaysia An employee in Malaysia has a ‘safety net’ where he cannot be terminated without just cause or excuse. Should he consider himself to have been dismissed, he has a statutory right to make representations in writing to the […]

Landmark Decision from Federal Court on Sexual Harassment Claim

Landmark Decision from Federal Court on Sexual Harassment Claim The Federal Court, in Mohd Ridzwan Abdul Razak v Asmah Hj Mohd Nor, has decided in favour of a female employee who sued his employer based on the tort of sexual harassment. The ruling sets a precedent for employees who are sexually harassed at their workplace […]

Is My Annual Leave – My Entitlement?

Is My Annual Leave – My Entitlement? Imagine this … So, you’ve been planning for your overseas holidays ever since you saw Airasia’s promotions 4 months ago. You’ve bought the plane ticket in advance to take advantage of the offer. You’ve even booked the hotel and arranged the travel itinerary and you’ve been counting down […]